Mary, Model of Selflessness 

We would be remiss if, during this month of reflecting on combating individualism, we did not consider the most selfless human being of all next to Christ. Mary, Mother of Fairest Love, modeled virtue and selflessness throughout her entire life, always accepting God’s will, serving others cheerfully, and being a beautiful example of sacrifice. We’d like to share how in each moment of Mary’s life, she showed great love and selflessness for all those around her. 

  • The Annunciation: The story of the Annunciation reveals Mary’s profound selflessness as she humbly accepts the divine call to become the Mother of God. Despite her initial fear and uncertainty, Mary surrenders herself completely to the will of God, uttering the words, “Let it be done unto me according to thy word.” Her fiat exemplifies a willingness to set aside personal desires and submit to God’s plan with unwavering trust and obedience.
  • The Visitation: In the Visitation, Mary demonstrates her selflessness through acts of compassion and service to others. Upon learning of her cousin Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Mary immediately sets out on a journey to visit and assist her in her time of need. Through this gesture of love and solidarity, Mary exemplifies the virtue of selfless giving and reminds us of the importance of reaching out to others with kindness and generosity.
  • The Nativity: At the Nativity, Mary’s selflessness is vividly portrayed as she gives birth to Jesus in a humble stable, surrounded by animals and shepherds. Despite the challenging circumstances, Mary’s focus remains on the miraculous gift of her son, whom she cradles with tender love and devotion. Her willingness to embrace poverty and humility serves as a powerful reminder of the value of simplicity and inner richness.
  • The Wedding Feast at Cana: By seeing a need at the wedding in Cana, Mary continues to demonstrate her desire to administer to others in their times of need. She involves her son, and through the great miracle of turning water into wine, Mary is seen taking care of all the details so that others may not worry. 
  • The Foot of the Cross: Mary’s selflessness is expressed as she stands at the foot of the cross, grieving the loss of her beloved son. Despite her overwhelming sorrow, Mary remains steadfast in her faith and love, offering comfort and solace to Jesus in his final moments. Her presence at the crucifixion embodies the depth of a mother’s selflessness and the capacity to endure suffering out of love for others.
  • The Assumption: The Assumption of Mary into heaven symbolizes the culmination of her life of selflessness and devotion. As she is assumed body and soul into heavenly glory, Mary’s example continues to inspire countless believers to aspire to lives of holiness and service. Her intercession and maternal care remind us of the power of listening to and serving others.

May Mary be a beacon of light as you consider how to give generously to others within your family and friends. And if it is a struggle to remain selfless, consider praying to Mary, Mother of Fairest Love! She will surely help you!
