How the Holy Family Serves as the Perfect Model for Family Life
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How the Holy Family Serves as the Perfect Model for Family Life

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph stands as the perfect model for family life and how it should be—rooted in love, faith, and the practice of virtues. In their lives, we find guidance and inspiration for how to build and nurture our own families, ensuring that they are places of holiness. The Saints…

Mary, Model of Selflessness 
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Mary, Model of Selflessness 

We would be remiss if, during this month of reflecting on combating individualism, we did not consider the most selfless human being of all next to Christ. Mary, Mother of Fairest Love, modeled virtue and selflessness throughout her entire life, always accepting God’s will, serving others cheerfully, and being a beautiful example of sacrifice. We’d…

St. Josemaria, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Ignatious of Loyola, St. John Henry Newman
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Words from the Saints to Overcome Selfishness

Surrounded by the constant push to seek self-gratification through material goods and excessive personal care, it can be a challenge not to fall prey to selfishness. But we are blessed to have powerful words from the saints to help guide us away from the inclination to selfish desires and direct our intentions towards the service…

Beautiful art on display
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7 Quotes from Holy Men & Women on Beauty & Art

Beauty provides an opportunity to pause and consider a given piece of art, a moment of silence or on nature itself. The saints and leaders of the Church recognize the significance of beauty when seeking God in the day-to-day. We want to share 7 quotes from holy men & women on beauty & art that…

St. Josemaria Escriva speaking with hands outstretched
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Christmas Inspiration from St. Josemaria Escriva

As we welcome the coming of our Savior into our homes this Christmas, we can reflect on the significance of God becoming man in the midst of family life with Mary and Joseph. How beautiful to have an example of such love and devotion in the Holy Family! St. Josemaria Escriva comments on this aspect…

On the Path to Sainthood – 4 Couples Who Are On Their Way to Beatification

On the Path to Sainthood – 4 Couples Who Are On Their Way to Beatification

Marriage is a great sanctifier and the couples that embrace this vocation receive innumerable graces. Pope St. John Paul II saw the importance of marriage and the pursuit of sanctification saying, “the path of holiness lived together as a couple is possible, beautiful, extraordinarily fruitful, and fundamental for the good of the family, the Church…

The Importance of Being a Good Student, According to St. Josemaria
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The Importance of Being a Good Student, According to St. Josemaria

St. Josemaria offers a lot of insight on the importance of being a good student. Many of his words are outlined in his little book, The Way. Read on to find inspiration for growing in professionalism and study… “An hour of study, for the modern apostle, is an hour of prayer.” The Way, 335 Maybe…