Five Quotes from St. Josemaria Escriva About Divine Filiation
There is nothing more secure than a child in their parent’s arms. That feeling of safety and security gives children a place to be themselves and make mistakes, always knowing there is forgiveness. And our relationship with God is the same way! He is our loving Father, and we are his children who can go to him with confidence with all our needs!
St. Josemaria had a very deep sense of this divine filiation and wrote about it often in his works. We’ve collected five quotes from him on this topic to help you really think about your relationship with God as a Father.
St. Josemaria Escriva on Divine Filiation
Divine filiation is a joyful truth, a consoling mystery. It fills all our spiritual life, it shows us how to speak to God, to know, and to love our Father in heaven. And it makes our interior struggle overflow with hope and gives us the trusting simplicity of little children. –Christ is Passing By, #65
“Happy?” —The question made me think. —Words have not yet been invented to express all that we feel — in the heart and in the will — when we know ourselves to be children of God. –Furrow, #61
If we come before God Our Lord like that child, convinced of our weakness yet ever prepared to second his plans, we shall more easily reach our goal. We shall haul the net onto the shore, bursting with an abundant catch, for the power of God reaches where our strength cannot. –Friends of God, #14
Your involuntary falls — a child’s falls — show your Father-God that he must take more care and your Mother Mary that she must never let you go from her loving hand. Each day as our Lord picks you up from the ground, take advantage of it, embrace him with all your strength and lay your wearied head on his open breast so that you will be carried away by the beating of his most lovable Heart. –The Way, #884
My Father — talk to him like that, confidently — who art in heaven, look upon me with compassionate Love, and make me respond to thy love. –The Forge, #3
Mary, our Mother, “help of Christians, refuge of sinners”: intercede with your Son to send us the Holy Spirit, to awaken in our hearts the decision to go ahead confidently, making us hear deep in our soul the call which filled with peace the martyrdom of one of the first Christians: “Come, return to your Father,” he is waiting for you. -Christ is Passing By, #66